Ripe Body
‘Ripe Body’ ia a two-part solo dance performance – During the day, an interactive installation, at night, a mesmerizing celebration.
The Copenhagen-based dancer and choreographer, Ruth Rebekka Hansen, is the creative force behind the performance ‘RIPE BODY’, premiering at Roskilde Festival. A work dedicated to anyone who feels a connection to a feminine universe, regardless of the degree or form.
In two segments—an interactive installation during the day and a captivating performance at night—Ruth Rebekka Hansen explores gender and sexuality as fluid, seductive, and festive.
‘RIPE BODY’ unfolds within a three-meter-high transparent box with mirrored ceiling and floor, transforming the body into a living sculpture that explores and challenges various physical forms and power structures. In the panopticon of the mirrored room, the gaze of the dancer and the audience is constantly thrown back and forth, raising the question of who is truly observing whom.
The music, created by Lauge Heebøll, contributes an ambiguous soundscape to the installation. At night, it transforms into a sparkling and entrancing live backdrop with heavy beats.
‘RIPE BODY’ is produced in collaboration with Roskilde Festival, Aaben Dans, Dansehallerne, Bora Bora, and Teater Momentum.
The team
Koreograf og performer Ruth Rebekka Hansen
Komponist og live musiker Lauge Heebøll
Kostumedesigner Benedikte Beate Hansen
Scenograf/bygger Anders Toft Pedersen
Dramaturg Luna Stage
Kurator, Roskilde Festival Nina Rasmussen
Choreograph and performer Ruth Rebekka Hansen
Composer and live music Lauge Heebøll
Costume designer Benedikte Beate Hansen
Scenography and builder Anders Toft Pedersen
Dramaturg Luna Stage
Curator, Roskilde Festival Nina Rasmussen
RF-team hands Christoffer Brændgaard Kristensen and Lasse Bruun Poulsen
Photo and videograph Morten Arnfred
RF-team photo/video Jens-Christian Akerø and Therese Lærke
Co-produced by Roskilde Festival, Aaben Dans, Bora Bora, Teater Momentum and Dansehallerne
RIPE BODY is administered by KOMMA Performance Productions
Thank you for the support from Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, William Demant Fonden, Dansk Skuespillerforbunds Projektstøtte.
Supported by Statens Kunstfond to Lauge Heebølls musical composition for RIPE BODY.