Aabent Laboratorium

21st of November 2024 at Aaben Dans in Roskilde

Aabent Laboratorium præsenterer fire korte forestillinger skabt af kraftfulde, koreografer og kunstnere med base i Danmark.

Forestillingerne denne aften undersøger kroppen, beskueren, gentagelsen og muligheden for at ånde.

Aftenens program:

HÆKLET af Hanna A. Lokøy (N). A crocheted choreography of
repetitions, knots and texture. With the crochet technique as a base – improvisation and constant transformation shape the way we perceive materiality and the art of crafts.
HÆKLET is a solo version of Lokøy’s previous work where the threads stand as medium for storytelling and the needle as its narrator.

I QUERY af Fabio Liberti (IT).
This body is lost.
Fabio Liberti has been working with dance and choreography in Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Denmark. In 2020 Fabio founded Teaterforening MUOVI through which he created the independent works #ASIFILOOKEDLIKEME, As if, I have missed myself and What did I just do?.

HYPOXIA af actor Nanna Koppel (DK) and sound artist Marco Colocci (IT). HYPOXIA is the mermaid’s escape from a toxic and oxygen-depleted sea. This is her attempt to find breath, caught as a fish ready to get sealed. All sound is generated live, captured on stage, with a microphone in the plastic bag and in the mouth of the performer.

GAZED af Þórunn Guðmundsdóttir (ISL).
GAZED is a performance work that displays an evocative blend of movement, voice, and visual storytelling – shaping the emotional journey of the viewer.The work introduces an uncanny fictional character; a fluid, shapeshifting, morphing entity that exists at the intersection of the human and the surreal.

Efter aftenens værker byder vi på en fælles samtale mellem de medvirkende kunstnere og publikum.

Cafe Karibu åbner i teatrets foyer fra klokken 18:30. Her kan man købe snacks og varme og kolde drikke

Aabent Laboratorium er støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Roskilde Kommune.

About Aabent Laboratorium
Aabent Laboratorium is a platform for sharing choreographic works in a professional black box context. Aabent Laboratorium offers the possibility to share artistic work with an audience as a part of the artistic development.

Aabent Laboratorium is a platform that embraces new ideas and new ways of working within the field of choreography.


Deltagende kunstnere Fabio Liberti (IT), Hanna A. Lokøy (N), Þórunn Guðmundsdóttir (ISL), Nanna Koppel (DK) og Marco Colocci (IT)

Foto Drago Videmšek

Kurateret af Aaben Dans



torsdag / 19:30
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Hos Aaben Dans

timer ca.